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Thursday, December 6, 2018

White + Vivid Gold

This month's challenge at White with 1 is to use Vivid gold, I have also used the sketch from Paper Pages that was on the White +1 site.

I've chosen photos taken on a short holiday I took a few of years back, all have a strong gold colour in the foliage.  All made by me with my Photoshop Elements.

Entered into
White with 1 - Vivid Gold


Lisa-Marie | Scrap Paper Scissors said...

You did such a great job with nailing our challenge this month!
Thanks for playing along with us at White.. with 1!

Natsuko said...

Great take on the challenge and sketch! Thank you so much for joining us at white...with 1❤️

Michelle VO said...

gorgeous photos and great take on the sketch, thanks for joining us at White ... with 1 :)

Tanya Heritage said...

Lovely layout Cass, gotta love the Murray River.
Thanks for joining us at White with One

Marie-France alias Badbarbie said...

what a great creation you made, you nail it ! Thanks for playing with us at ww1 !

Jane said...

What a great page! Thank you so much for joining in with White with 1 this month.